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15 Ways to Keep Your Skin Looking Young

15 Ways to Keep Your Skin Looking Young


Aging is a natural process that every one of us has to face. As we get older, our skin starts to lose some of its elasticity and wrinkles and fine lines start to appear. From sagging skin to age spots, there are a number of ways in which our skin shows aging. While aging is unavoidable, how soon and how severely your skin ages depends upon factors such as your diet and lifestyle. People who exercise, eat healthy, and have a relatively healthy lifestyle tend to remain youthful much longer than those with an unhealthy lifestyle.

Apart from what you eat, there are also a lot of skincare tips and routines that you can follow to slow down—and in some instances reduce—your skin’s aging process. Of course your genetics also plays an important role in how your skin ages. While it’s true that factors like genetics, that are beyond our control, play a very vital role in determining our skin’s aging process, the fact remains that we can retain some of our youth by adopting some lifestyle changes. What we eat and how we treat our skin are also factors that will determine how youthful our skin looks. If you’re keen to know how you can retain your skin’s youthful appearance, then read on to know the 15 ways in which you can keep your skin looking supple.

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated

There’s a huge debating going on about how much water a person needs to drink in a day. While some people insist that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated, some others argue that you just need to drink water whenever you feel thirsty and that’s it. But the fact of the matter is that, as you get older, your skin starts to lose moisture. This is why a baby’s skin is so much softer and smoother than an adult’s skin. So in order to compensate for the lost moisture and to keep your body hydrated, drinking ample amounts of water is a good idea. One of the sure signs of dehydration is dry, chapped lips. So if you find that your lips are dry, then take it as a sign that you need to drink more water. Apart from water, you can also hydrate your body with fresh fruit juices and flavored (cucumber, strawberries, mint) water.

2. Use The Right Products for Your Skin

One of the biggest mistake that most women make when it comes to their skincare routine is their failure to update and change their skincare products periodically. The creams and products that worked for you in your twenties might not necessarily work well in your thirties. As you age, your skin undergoes a series of changes. You need to be aware of what is happening to your body and skin and which products will work well to address your skin’s needs. There are so many products available in the market, each specially formulated to tackle specific skin woes. All you need to do is to find the right one for you. Also keep in mind that you will have to change your skincare products as the seasons change. Products that work great during the hot summer months are not going to give the same results during dry, cold, winter months. As the season changes, so does your skin’s needs. Be prepared for it to give your skin the best care that you can.

3. Limit Your Sun Exposure

Google photoaging and you will be horrified to know about the adverse effects of long-term sun exposure for the skin. Constant and prolonged exposure to UV radiation leads to photoaging, where the skin gets damaged (although it is not visible to our naked eyes for a very long time) and eventually starts showing all the signs of aging, from wrinkles and fine lines to age spots and uneven skin tone. The only way to prevent photoaging is to always wear sunscreen and limit your exposure to the sun. You can also use physical barriers such as hats, scarves, long-sleeved tops and so on to protect your skin from sun damage. If you are one of those people who love to sport a tan, you would do well to opt for a spray tan as opposed to subjecting your body to the brutal effects of the sun in the name of sun bathing.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation is the process of using a mildly abrasive substance/material to buff your skin, getting rid of dead skin cells and keeping your skin smooth. But as good as exfoliation is for your skin, you need to avoid over-exfoliating. A good routine would be to exfoliate twice a week. Any more than that and you risk damaging your skin and stripping it of moisture. Also, be very gentle while exfoliating, especially on your face. Use a mild scrub for your face and a loofah for your body to exfoliate thoroughly. If you’re looking for a good DIY exfoliating scrub, then you should consider using almond meal. Almond meal is a great exfoliator, offering the right amount of exfoliation, cleansing, and moisturizing. It is not too abrasive on the skin while still doing a good job of exfoliating it.

5. Have Cold Showers

While it might be tempting to have a nice hot shower in the winter, or soak in a hot tub to unwind after a hectic day, cold showers are actually the way to go. Studies show that having hot showers can lead to sagging and excessive dryness of the skin. In contrast, cold showers help in keeping your skin looking and feeling supple and smooth.

6. Steer Clear of Heavy Makeup

In a desperate attempt to cover up the signs of aging, many women slather on makeup. But while makeup is great for hiding age spots and discoloration, it does not do much when it comes to wrinkles and fine lines. In fact, heavy makeup can cake-up and make your wrinkles look more prominent. So a good way to keep your skin looking young is to use light makeup, just enough to enhance your features without drawing attention to any of the flaws. Another good tip is to avoid glitter when it comes to makeup. Bright colors and sparkly eyeshadows that you rocked in your twenties need to stay right there, in your twenties. Do not bring those shades into your thirties as, the hard fact is that, they might not necessarily flatter your skin anymore.

7. Get Your Beauty Sleep

Go to bed early and get your eight hours of sleep every night. When you sleep, your body gets time to recuperate and repair itself. Lack of sleep leads to your skin looking pale and tired, with bags and dark circles under the eyes making you look older than you are. Sleep is crucial for both your body and mind to work at optimal levels. So if you want your skin to look fresh and radiant, you need to get your beauty sleep! One of the main deterrents when it comes to going to bed early is the use of phones or tablets in bed. So make it a point to never use any electronic gadgets in bed. Your bed time should not be spent staring at a bright screen till your eyes turn red and your brain shuts down with exhaustion. Studies show that the bright light from your phone screen stimulates your brain, keeping you from falling asleep. So make your bed a no-gadgets zone and practice going to bed early, at the same time every night. Our bodies love routines and once they get used to your new routine, you will find that falling asleep early is actually quite easy to do. And the added bonus? When you sleep early, you can wake up early as well, feeling well-rested and ready to tackle the day ahead with full energy.

8. Turn to Antioxidants for Help

Antioxidants are loyal little soldiers that fight free radicals and protect healthy skin cells. They play a vital role in flushing out toxins from your body. So ensure that you include antioxidants in your daily diet by eating fruits and vegetables rich in it, and sipping on organic green tea, which is another rich source of antioxidants. If you are a caffeine addict, try to gradually wean yourself off coffee and make the switch to green tea. Too much caffeine in your system can lead to dry skin that’s more prone to wrinkles.

9. Quit Your Bad Habits

All of us know that smoking, alcohol, and consuming too much sugar is bad for us. But somehow, in the hustle and bustle of everyday lives, we overlook these bad habits and end up paying the price for it by way of premature aging and other health complications. So if you’re a smoker, a frequent drinker, or someone with a strong sweet tooth, you need to reconsider your life choices. All three of the mentioned vices wreak havoc on the skin and should be avoided as much as possible.

10. Vitamin C Is the Way to Go

The American Journal of Nutrition states that women over forty years of age are less likely to develop wrinkles and fine lines if they consume high amounts of vitamin C, when compared to those who consume low levels. Apparently, Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, which makes it a very crucial element when it comes to keeping the skin looking young and supple. So be sure to include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet. These include fruits such as oranges and kiwi, and vegetables such as broccoli.

If you don’t already do it, you should consider taking a multivitamin supplement as well. Unless you eat a perfectly balanced diet, you are leaving yourself susceptible to vitamin deficiencies. And vitamin deficiencies can, in turn, lead to major heath complications if left unattended. Consuming a multivitamin supplement (in addition to a healthy diet) is a good way to ensure that your vitamin needs are met. Not to mention, multivitamin supplements are great for skin as they make the skin supple and youthful.

11. Make Your Own DIY Face Masks

DIY homemade face masks are highly effective in rejuvenating the skin and fighting against all the damage faced by our skin. From strawberries to cocoa powder to oats, you can use items found in your kitchen and pantry to make your own face masks. Apply them thrice a week to give your skin a much needed boost. Here’s a simple homemade face mask for you to try: mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of cocoa powder and add a mashed strawberry to it. Apply the resulting paste onto your face. Leave it on for ten minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

12. Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the healthy formation of skin cells. They are also elemental in enabling the skin retain its elasticity and flexibility. Found in salmon, tuna, kale, spinach, and walnuts, Omega-3 fatty acids need to be a regular part of your diet if you want smooth, wrinkle-free skin. There are of course supplements such as cod liver oil capsules that you can take to meet your quota of Omega-3 fatty acids.

13. Have A ‘Cleanse, Tone, And Moisturize’ Night Time Routine

Before going to bed, make it a point to cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin. Make it a strict night time routine to prep your skin and armor it with all that it needs to repair and rejuvenate, while you sleep. Use a gentle cleanser, followed by a toner (preferably a mild, natural toner), and end the skincare routine with a moisturizer, a skin repair cream, or an anti-aging serum, whichever one you prefer.

While applying the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, be sure to apply them to your neck as well. The neck is often an overlooked area which should, in all fairness, be treated as a part of the face. After all, what’s the point of spending so much time and money on making sure your face looks good if your neck is sagging or has wrinkles and lines running through it?

14. Opt for Botox and Fillers

There’s nothing wrong with taking a little help from Botox and filler injections to keep you looking young. Just be careful and practice moderation. The last thing you need is to go overboard with it and end up with a face that looks like it was stretched and ironed out. We’ve all seen our share of Botox horror stories. So if you do choose to go the Botox way, be very careful, go to a reputable dermatologist/skincare specialist, and don’t get carried away with it. The aim should be to reverse the signs of aging and not to inject so much filler that your face ends up looking unrecognizable to family and friends!

Chemical peel is another option to consider when looking for a way to make your skin look soft and smooth. Chemical peels work by peeling off the top layer of the skin and allowing the new (undamaged) skin underneath to surface. If you’re considering opting for Botox, fillers, or chemical peels, first talk to your dermatologist, explaining what you wish to achieve with the treatment. He/she will then be able to guide you in opting for the right treatment to suit your requirements.

15. Exercise Regularly

Your body needs to be physically active, sweating out the toxins in order to look youthful. Exercising is the best way to keep your muscles firm and toned, giving you a youthful look. Find an activity that excites you, such as rock climbing or dancing, and make that your fitness routine. Doing something you enjoy will make the activity more fun, and it won’t be a case of you having to force yourself to work out.

From olive oil to aloe vera gel and vitamin E creams, there are a number of products and items out there that are good for your skin. It is up to you to figure out which products work well for you. Just because something worked fabulously well for your friend does not mean that t will work well for you as well. Each of us our unique, with different skin issues and different problem areas to deal with when it comes to anti-aging remedies. So customize a skincare routine and lifestyle that benefits you the most and you will see good results. In the end, it all comes down to your lifestyle and genetics. If you lead a relatively healthy lifestyle, with good food and exercise and have good genetics, then you can keep your skin looking young for a very long time indeed.

1 Comment

  1. rachel frampton
    January 8, 2020 at 12:30 am

    As I approach the age of 36 I’m starting to have fine lines on my face. Thank you for this; I’ll make sure to avoid long term sun exposure. If only I’ll be able to find an effective anti gain cream that can bring back my youthful glow.

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